Friday, August 26, 2011

Tweaking The Algorithm: Google Gives A Small Peek Behind The Curtains

googamitOne of the most common complaints critics (and competitors) have against Google is that the company ?�despite its numerous open products and initiatives ?�is very secretive about the countless algorithms that power its crown jewels, Google Search. In other words, search is a black box.�Google's argument has generally been that it needs to be this way ?�if it told everyone exactly how the algorithm worked, then it would be much easier to game, and search results would suffer. In any case there's plenty of mystery around Search, which is why the video posted today to the Google blog is so interesting: Google has given a quick video walk-through detailing how its engineers gradually adjust the algorithm, which ?�according to the video ?�gets tweaked more than 500 times per year. The video is only four minutes long and is worth watching in its entirely, but here's a quick rundown on how a change to search goes live:


Mikko Kozarowitzky Central Desktop PRICELINECOM Beppe Gabbiani

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